Sunday, November 29, 2009
William Henry Smith
I am a cousin to them on the Dowdy side. Mary Molly Dowdy is the daughter of my grandmother Rebecca Francis Dowdy's brother Marcus Luke Dowdy and Mary E Bryant. I also think that William Henry Smith may be the son of my great great grandfather Andrew Jackson Smith Sr's son John J. Smith. This would make us double cousins.
Any information on this family would be greatly appreciated.
William Henry Smith was born 13 June, 1875 in Stewart county, TN. He was the son of John Smith and Susan Etheridge. William married Mary Molly Dowdy on August 5th, 1896. Mary was born in Stewart County Tn. She was the daughter of Marcus (Mark) Luke Dowdy and Mary Bryant. William and Mary had 10 children. William died on the 1st of April 1957. Mary died on the 23rd of November 1927. Both are buried in Houston county, TN. in the Gray Cemetery.
The children of Wm. Henry and Mary Molly Dowdy Smith are:
1.George Vernon Smith, my father, b. 28 May 1919, d. 28 Jul 1993 in TN, married Edna Virginia Sherman
2. Edna Smith, b.6 Jul 1897, d. 30 Jul 1933 in TN of Cancer, married Lee Walters
3. Mary Smith, b. 26 Feb 1899, d. 9 Apr 1913 in TN of Meningitis.
4. Adam Arthur Smith, b. 7 Mar 1901, d. 6 Jun 1986 in MI of Colon Cancer; he was married 2 or 3 times but I don't have the names of his wives
5. Gertrude Bell Smith, b. 14 Sep 1903, d. 8 Feb 1920 in TN of Epilepsy.
6. Susan Ellis Smith, b. 7 Nov 1905, d. 21 Mar 1961 in IL of Arterial Sclerosis, married Ira Burnaine
7. Vida Ruth Smith, b. 7 Apr 1908, d. 3 Mar 1940 in TN of Heart Dropsy, married Loney Edmonds. (note* Loney Edmonds is related to me on my Hicks side)
8. Louise Smith, b. 2 May 1910, d. 22 Mar 2001 in OH, married Clarence Pegram
9. Charles Edward Smith, b. 8 Aug 1912, d. 5 May 1996 in MD, married Hester Bigham
10. Gilbert Henry Smith, b. 22 Feb 1915, d. 26 Feb 2001 in TN of Colon, married Mary Browning
Monday, November 23, 2009
Andrew Jackson Smith Sr.
Agnes was born in North Carolina in the year 1839. She was the daughter of Joseph Nash and Tempy Smith. Agnes’s brothers and sisters were Nancy Nash born 1841 in NC, and who later married Andrew’s brother Joseph Smith, James Nash born in NC in 1843 and Louisa born in NC in 1846. Andrew and Agnes had 3 children. Their children were Joseph Smith born in 1860, William Smith born in 1862 and who married Jermie Townsend and Frederick Smith born 1863.
On or around December 25 of 1861, Andrew volunteered for the Army at Fort Donelson. He was enlisted in the 50th Tennessee Infantry Company H. According to his pension application, Andrew was hurt by a cannon rolling on to him and knocking him down while he was loading it on the breast works. The cannon rolled onto his hip. He was taken to an Army hospital and then to prison. He was let out to go home. Andrews’s wife Agnes died soon after that, sometime between 1863 and 1865.
Andrew then married Aretha Ann Etheridge on 5 November 1865. They too were married by H. H. Trinkle. Aretha was the daughter of Joseph Etheridge and Sarah Dunaway. She was born in 1850 in Stewart County, TN. She was 15 years old when she and Andrew married. As census records indicate, Aretha went by Ann.
The 1870 Stewart County, TN. census shows that Andrew’s two children with Elizabeth are living with James and Mary Smith (his suspected parents) and his three children with Agnes are living with her parents Joseph and Tempy Nash. The 1880 census shows his and Agnes’s children still living with her parents.
Andrew and Ann had twelve children. It is said by family members that Andrew had a total of 21 children, only 17 are know so it would suggest that some died as babies or very young. Ann died sometime between 1891 and 1899. Andrew filed for a Confederate pension on 18 September, 1899. He was denied any compensation.
The Stewart County, TN census has 74 year old Andrew Sr. living with his son Andrew Jr. 39 and daughter in law Cora 32, grand children, Bertha E. 11, Ruth E. 9, Lillian 7, Gracie 5, Eugene 2, and a daughter not yet named, but whom became Angeline, 5 months old.
Andrew died August 30 1916 according to Stewart county records, but his head stone says 1917. He is buried in the Andrew Smith cemetery at Scott’s Chapel near Cumberland City. TN. One of Andrew’s great granddaughters’s, Vickie Burns; told me that her grandmother Grace told her that when Andrew died, it was a very hot August day and as they were carrying the body down the hill to the cemetery for burial the body burst from the heat and a horrible smell was emitted. The family made diligent efforts to hurry and get the body in the ground. Not a pretty story, but interesting none the less. It is stories such as this that indicates the conditions our forefathers endured.
Andrew and Aretha Ann’s Children
1. Thomas M. Smith born 1865. Married Rachel Fielder. One child, Artie Smith married Walter Baggett brother of Andrew Smith Jr’s wife Cora Baggett.
2. Andrew Jackson Smith Jr. born 26 June 1870 Stewart County, TN. Married Cora Green Viola Baggett. Died 1927.
3. Nancy Smith born 1872. Married Thomas B. Allen. Died 1892
4. Louisa Belle Smith, born 1877. Married Sam Pulley on 6 September 1894. They had two daughters, Sadie b: 1900 and Goldie born 1906. Belle died before 1920
5. Josephine (Josie) Smith born 1878. Married Robert Brake.
6. Missouri Smith born 1879.
7. Cora Smith born in May, 1880. Married Homer Baker.
8. Maude Smith born 1883. Married Melvin Brumley.
9. Etta Smith born 1885. Married Joe Hull.
10. Ella Smith born 1888. Married James Winters
11. Arvia Smith born 1891. Marred Everett Clements.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Uriah Green Dowdy
Uriah Green Dowdy was born in 1828 in Stewart county, Tennessee. He was the son of James G. Dowdy and Martha Milam. Uriah married Mary Jane Washburn on 5 March, 1847. Mary was born in Stewart county, in 1830. Her parents have not be confirmed at this time.
The 1850 Stewart county, census has 22 year old Uriah as a farmer and living with 20 year old wife Mary and two children, 2 year old Marcus and 1 year old Uriah.
Uriah was a volunteer in the 5oth Tennessee Infantry. Co. I. He was captured at Fort Donalson and taken as prisoner to Camp Douglas in Chicago,Illinois. Uriah could very well be one of the Confederate soldiers in the picture above if the date of the picture is correct. Uriah died in September of 1862 of pneumonia at Camp Douglas. His body is interred at the Confederate Mound in the Oak Woods Cemetery in Chicago, Illinois.
Uriah and Mary had 8 children. Mary would have been just pregnant with the youngest Rachel at the on set of the war.
The 1870 census has 44 year old Jane Dowdy living at the Cumberland Iron Works. She is noted as keeping house. The children in the home were: 16 year old John, a laborer, 14 year old Robert, a laborer, 12 year old Becky, 10 year old Alice and 8 year old Rachel.
According to the 1880 Stewart county census, son in law Robertson, daughter Francis and grandchildren Alexander and Cora Baggett are living with 54 year old Mary . They are living in district 6 surrounded by Baggett and Smith families.
The date of Mary death is unknown at this time.
Uriah and Mary's Children.
1. Marcus (Mark) Luke Dowdy b: 1848 Stewart county, TN. Married Mary E. Bryant 1 September 1869. Information on Mark will be posted soon.
2. Uriah James Dowdy b: 1849 Stewart county, TN
3. Missouri J. Dowdy b: 1852 Stewart county, TN. Married a Smith. Widowed by 1880. She is 25 and living with her brother John, 26 and his wife Sallie 18 and her children Cynthia 10, Mary 8, Henry 3 and Eliza 1.
4. John Dowdy b: 1854 Stewart county, TN. Married Sallie
5. Robert Dowdy b: 1855 Stewart county, Tn
6. Rebecca Francis Dowdy b: October, 1856 Stewart county, TN. Married Robertson Baggett. Died 5 March 1920.
7.Alice Dowdy b: 1859 Stewart county, TN
8. Rachel Dowdy b: 1862 Stewart county, TN
Friday, November 20, 2009
My Thanks to Everyone
I was recently contacted by a cousin on the Dowdy side. Her name is Pam and her Great Great Grandfather was Marcus (Mark) Luke Dowdy. Mark was the brother to my Great Great Grandmother Rebecca Francis Dowdy. I am going to start posting some of the information I have on the Dowdy family plus the information that Pam has shared on her family.
I have also been in contact with a cousin named Vickie. Her grandmother Grace Smith was the sister of my grandfather Elmer Smith. Vickie has shared so many stories with me about the family. Most of these stories I feel are special between her and I only. Some stories I will not share (its cool that way, its like we grew up together and we have secrets.)She did share some family knowledge that I never knew. This totally changes some of my Smith history, so I will be re-writing some of this to share with you all too. Hint: Andrew Jackson Smith Sr. appears to not to have been the son of John Joseph Smith and Lucinda Cunningham as once believed.
I also owe Leah Siegel, whom which I always misspell her name for some reason and if I did it again I apologize. Leah is the person who had sent me all the pictures of my great grand parents Andrew Smith Jr. and Cora Baggett Smith and my great great grandparents Robertson Baggett and Rebecca Dowdy and their family. Leah's boyfriend so happens to be another cousin on the Baggett side. What a great gift from her for sure. Thanks Leah!
I have also been sharing with Tony and Phyllis whom are cousins to me also, on the Baggett side. They have shared their family story with me and contributed the picture of Walter Baggett and Artie Smith. In fact we are double cousins, because they descend from Walter Baggett whom is my Grandmother Cora's brother and his wife Artie is the daughter of my great great grandfather Andrew Jackson Smiths Sr's son Thomas Smith.
And there's Debbie, who is related on the Fox side. She has shared her tree with me too. Together we are looking for information on the Fox Family.
I want to thank everyone for their pictures, stories and family information. I will be adding and revising to this blog with all this new information.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Account of Estate of Lambert Zells 1751
1751 An Account of the Estate of Lambert Zells Deceased Cr
sales :
To paid Col: Harrison 8:18:16 ¼
To Robert Hancock :14:0
To Morris Zells 0:15:0
By Thomas Bayley 3:2:0
To Walter Barr 0:5:6
To John Pully 0:2:6
To 1 Gatt: Rurn for funeral 0:5:0
To 3 lbs of sugar @ 5d ditto 0:1:3
To Thomas Penn--- 1:2:6
To Peter Smith for making coffin
To the Secretary 32 lbs Tobacco
To the Clerk 112
144 @ 2 d pts 1:4:0
To R Jones pro advice and assistance
In administration of the estate 1:1:6
To Thomas ? Juror 17:16:3 ¼
£ 18:18:9 1/8
By the estate sold at auction as per
Account of 3:8:0
By cash in the house 53:10:0
By sundries not sold viz+
1 Shoat @ 2 sides of leather @
3 pine stools 1 chair 1 paw paw
stool 1 spoon 1 porauger 1 drum
spindle 1 halter 2 stick baskets
5 drums 1 pair of knitting needles
1 lb wool
£ 80:8:0
Errors excepted & Elizabeth Zells, exectrix this 18th of October 1751
October year 18th 1751 The above account I find rightly stated
John Mason Jr {auditor}
As a court held for Surry County the 19th day of November 1751
The afore written account current of Lambert Zells deceased was returned and (being first audited by a person specially appointed) was ordered to be recorded
Aug Claiborne clk
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Foster Marlyn (Faut) Fox
Foster Marlyn"Faut" Fox was born in 27 November of 1854 in Trigg county, Kentucky. Son of William Buchanan Fox and Sarah Ann Hamilton. Faut married Angeletta “Ettie” Bullock on the 28th of Sept, 1884 in Stewart county, TN. Ettie was born on the 17th day of Oct, 1868 in Stewart county, TN. She was the daughter of George Washington Bullock and Louisiana Bibby. Faut died on the 23rd day of March 1920 in Stewart county and Ettie died on the 5th day of March, 1942 in Stewart county.
Faut and Ettie Fox's children are:
1. Ryman Becevland Fox b, 25 Nov, 1885 Trigg county, Kentucky. m, Minnie Ada Creamer on 6 Jan, 1906. d, 16 Jun, 1973.
2. Nellie Fox b, Aug, 1888 Trigg county, Kentucky. m, James Fred Page (14/01/1887-06/16/1968 Henderson County, TN) on 1 Sept, 1906. d, 09/16/1917. Children were: Willie Page, Estie Page, Amos Martin Lozo Page (12/18/1912-01/19/1971) and Oscar Wesley Page (10/11/1916-01/21/1924)
3. William Ulus Fox b, Feb, 1890 Trigg county, Kentucky. d, 20 May, 1936. b, Hicks Cemetery, Stewart county, TN
4. George Carter Fox b, 23 Dec 1891 Trigg county, Kentucky. m, Lily Viola Travis on 15 Feb, 1916. d, 16 Dec, 1968 in Shelby county, TN. b. Hicks Cemetery, Stewart county, TN.
5. Eulons Fox Fox b, 1892 Trigg county, Kentucky
6. Buddie “Bubba” Fox b, 30 April, 1897 Trigg county, Kentucky. Maried Carrie Shaw. d. 3 April 1923 Stewart county, TN
7.Ruby Fox b. 25 May 1901 Trigg county, Kentucky
8.Ara Fox b. 6 Sept 1901 Trigg county, Kentucky m. Bryant Downs. d. Aug 1937. b. Hendon Cemetery, Stewart county, TN
9. Anna Fox b. 1904 Trigg county, Kentucky
10. Clyde Manarchus Fox b. 12 July 1906 Trigg county, Kentucky. M. Ruby Lorene Knight on 28 Nov 1928 Stewart county, TN. d. 7 Mar 1994 Charleston, MO
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Isham Sills Jr Noncupitive Will
Josiah Sills
Green X Wiggins
William Sills
Proved August term 1832
Sunday, October 25, 2009
50th Tennessee Infantry Regiment

Confederate Stars and Bars
This Regiment was organized on Christmas day, December 25, 1861. It was comprised of 10 separate companies that had previously mustered. It was captured at Fort Donelson and then reorganized on September 23, 1862. The 50th then temporarily consolidated with 1st (Colms') Tennessee Battalion on November, 1862. This consolidation was made permanent and a new organization was made February, 1864. The regiment was paroled Greensboro, North Carolina May 2, 1865 as part of the 2nd Consolidated Tennessee Infantry Regiment.
Uriah Green Dowdy - Company I - Went in a Private, died at Camp Douglas of Pneumonia as a POW, a Private.
James M Hicks - Company F - Went in a Private, came out a Private and had been blinded.
Andrew J Smith - Company H - Went in a Private, came out a Private with injured hip.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Confederate Pension Application of Andrew Jackson Smith Sr. Part 2
Below is the continuation of my great, great grandfather Andrew Smith's pension application, to which he was denied compensation.
Third Page
How did you get out of the army?: Paroled
Did you take the oath of allegiance to the United States Government?: No
Are you married, or have you been married?: I am or have been
If so, what is the size of your family?: 10 Children
What are the respective ages of your wife and children?: Wife is dead, Tom, 37, Andrew 27 married, Nan 24 married, Bell 22, Josie 21, Cora 18, Maude 16, Et14 married, Ella 11, Arvia 8.
Are not some of your children able to support you?: No
In what business are you now engaged if any, and what do you earn?: Not able to move
What estate have you in your right, real and personal, and what is its value?: 1 old mule, 1 young mule, 1 cow, 6 shoats, all worth About one hundred dollars.
What estate has your wife in her own right, real and personal, and what is its value?: She did own 40 acres colon (?) land, worth about $40.00.
How have you derived support for yourself and family for the last five years?: I have managed to work a little.
Do you use intoxicants to any extent?; No
How long have you been an actual resident of the State of
Have you an attorney to look after this application?: No
Witness my hand, this 16th day of Sept, 1899
J. S. Edwards M.D. , Physician
John Odom, Witness
James Odom, Witness
Fourth Page
State of
Personally appeared before me Jo M. Harris clerk of the county court of said county, the above named A. J. Smith, the applicant, with who I am personally acquainted, and having the application read and fully explained to him, as well as the statements and answers therein made, made oath that the said statements and answers are true.
Witness my hand, at office, this 16th day of Sept, 1899.
Jo. M. Harris, Clerk
State of
One of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing application and who is a physician of good standing and being duly sworn, says that he has carefully and thoroughly examined A. J. Smith, the applicant, and finds him laboring under the following disabilities:
Impaired action of left lower limb due to an old injury of left hip causing partial paralysis of motion and sensation greatly reducing his capacity for ding labor wherein waling or standing is required, Has Palpitation of heart, probably of Rheumatoid arigen (?) Witness my hand, at office, this 16th day of Sept 1899. Jo M. Harris, Clerk
State of
Witness my hand at office this 16th day of 1899
Jo M. Harris, Clerk
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Confederate Pension Application of Andrew Jackson Smith Sr. Part 1
I was recently informed by a new found cousin of mine Vickie, that our grand father Andrew Jackson Smith Sr. was a veteran of the War Between the States. She mentioned that he had filed for a war pension and that it was rejected. I have since then ordered a copy of that record.
The following is the information was taken from that Confederate Pension application that was filed by Andrew Jackson Smith Sr. This application is quite extensive so I will only relay the questions that Andrew himself had answered on the application. Andrew’s answers are underlined. This application will be posted in a part series, due to the amount of information provided.
First Page
Stamped Rejected
Soldier’s Application for Pension
A J Smith (Andrew Jackson Smith Sr.)
Filed Sept 18, 1899
Second Page
I, A. J. Smith, a native of the State of
I do solemnly swear that, while in the discharge of my duty in the service of the Confederate or
I was wounded in the battle of (blank) and that from the effects of such wound or wounds I was disabled as follows: I was disabled by mounting a cannon on breast works (misspelled) by cannon falling against (scratched out) and throwing me against the cannage (misspelled).
In what County, State and year were you born: I was born in
When did enlist and in what command? Give the names of the regimental and company officers under whom your were serving at date of wound or wounds: I enlisted at
In what battle were you wounded and if not in battle state under what circumstances you received the injury or injuries?: Fort Donaldson received injuries as above stated
What was the precise nature of your wound or wounds? : I got a serious hurt in hip. Which hurt. Disabled me from services.
What limb if any did you lose by reason of said wound or wounds and if no limb state fully the disability caused by said wound or wounds and is said disability permanent?: The injury of hip causing paralyses of that limb on that side.
Were you incapacitated for service by reason of said wound wounds or service: I was taken to hospital.
Were you discharged from the army by reason of said wound, wounds or service?: Was taken prisoner.
If discharged from the army where were you and what did you do until the close of the war?: I was paroled and returned home, unable to move.
What was the name of the surgeon who attended you?:
Mills and Robertson.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Articles Sold at Sale for Deceased Mathew Manning 1844
P S Cook 1 lot hoes .93 ¾
P Manning 1 Banshean Plough .12 ½
John Manning 2 barrels .15
H L Atkins 1 barrel & large tray .37 ½
Nelson Griffin 1 grindstone 1.00
James W McGee 2 Drawing Knife pair .10
Joseph Satterfield 1 drawing knife pair .10
William Griffin 2 chisels .31 ¼
“ “ 2 Gouges & 1 chisel .15
“ “ 2 barrel augers & stirrups .10
L M Manning 1 frae & file .62 ½
Widow Manning 1 tub .18
John Manning 1 iron wedge .30
“ “ “ “ .18
L M Manning 1 frying pan .12 ½
Widow 1 flat iron .12 ½
J Satterfield 1 set coopers tools .75
P S Cook 2 pair sheep shears .25
Widow Manning 1 dinner pot .50
“ “ 1 skillet .12 ½
“ “ 1 deep skillet .12 ½
John Manning 1 oven .25
Widow 1 small skillet .12 ½
“ “ 1 kettle .25
“ “ 1 pair pot hooks .20
James Glassgo 1 plough 2.00
H L Atkins 2 baskets & keg .15
Nelson Griffin 1 lot coopers ware .12 ½
W C McGee 1 pair drawing chains .80
“ “ 1 Jointer .12
H L Atkins 1 lot iron .25
“ “ “ “ .50
“ “ 1 beegum & meat ane (?) .12
J Satterfield 1 large trough 1.10
P Manning 1 pot .50
J Satterfield 1 bridle .15
D Rogers 1 pair millstones 1.50
“ ‘ 1 pair steelyards 2.00
W C McGee 1 sow & 5 pigs 4.00
Widow Manning 1 gill sow .50
L M Manning 1 cow & calf 9.00
Albert Gibbs 3 head sheep 3.70
P Manning 1 gray filly 16.37 ½
L M Manning 1 set cups & saucers .56 ¼
“ “ 1 small pitcher & spoons .37 ½
Widow 4 bowls .42 ½
W A Griffin 1 tea pot & saltseller .25
Widow 1 dish .31
L M Manning 5 pewter plates & dish 1.43
P S Cook 6 plates & basin 1.60
Widow ½ day spoons .38
P S Cook 1 large pewter dish .68
Widow 1 lot trumpet (?) .25
L M Manning 1 trumpet & glass .25
Widow 1 basin .25
“ “ 1 coffee pot .12 ½
“ “ 4 plates .12 ½
“ “ 1 stone jar .12 ½
“ “ 1 pitcher .12 ½
Nelson Griffin 1 bottle .12 ½
Widow 1 lot bottles .35
“ “ 1 cupboard 1.12 ½
John Manning 1 gun 3.30
“ “ Candy moulds & stick (?)
J Satterfield 2 gumblets & gord (?) .25
L M Manning 1 water pail .37 ½
Widow 2 small do (?) .25
T W Griffin 1 small do (?) .12
W C McGee 1 set razors 1.06 ¼
Widow 1 lot books .25
Z T Shemwell 1 ditto & jug .02
Mary Joiner 1 can .06
Nelson Griffin 1 slay (?) & box .30
P S Cook 1 reap hook .12 ½
P Manning 1 hand saw .20
L M Manning cotton cards .50
John Manning 1 trunk large 1.31 ¼
Widow 1 ditto .50
H B Scarbough shovel .40
Widow sifter & tray & meal tub .25
John Freeman mans saddle & blanket 6.06 ¼
William Moore 1 side saddle 8.50
Widow 1 bed & furniture 5.43
“ “ 1 spinning wheel .56 ¼
William Griffin 2 pair wool cards .37 ½
Elmore Black coffee mill .18 ¾
William Moore block reel .18 ¾
Samuel McGee 1 flour stuns (?) .62 ½
Widow 5 chairs .25
Nelson Griffin 1 hackel 1.25
“ ‘ 1 lot leather .40
William Moore 1 lot balls .62 ½
“ “ 1 powder horn .10
Nelson Griffin 1 flaso wheel .12 ½
P Manning 1 pocket book .25
Widow table .25
Mary Joiner 2 bridles .31 ½
W C McGee 1 anci (?) .40
Nelson Griffin 1 wood slide .25
D Rodgers 1 half bushel .50
William Moore 2 rawhides .30
J Satterfield 2 barrels .25
“ “ 2 guns (?) .05
Nelson Griffin 1 churn .30
D Rodgers 1 large gun (?) .50
Amt of acct sale 96.53
Monday, October 12, 2009
Baylee Renee Tate
Friday, October 2, 2009
Monarchus Buchanan Fox
Monarchus Buchanan"Buck" Fox was born in September of 1856 in Trigg county, Kentucky. Son of William Buchanan Fox and Sarah Ann Hamilton. Buck married Ann Elizabeth Shaw on the 29th of Oct, 1883 in Stewart county, TN. Ann was born on the 1st day of Dec, 1868 in Stewart county, TN. She was the daughter of Leonard V. Shaw and Sarah Ann Futrell. Buck died on the 7th day of March 1900 in Stewart county and Ann died on the 28th day of March, 1941 in Stewart county. Ann Fox is buried in the Hicks cemetery.
Buck and Ann Fox's children are:
1. Donna Pearl Fox b, 29 Jan, 1884 Stewart county, TN. m, Marcus Franklin Chadwick on 4 Oct, 1901. d, 12 Feb, 1956.
2. Loney Rae Fox b, 26 Apr, 1886 Stewart county, TN. m, Coleman Albert Chadwick on 26 Mar, 1900. d, 20 Apr, 1968. b, Hicks Cemetery, Stewart county, TN.
3. Sallie Sota Fox b, 13 Dec, 1891 Stewart county, TN. m, Walter Daniel Outland on 27 Dec, 1910. d, 26 Feb, 1987. b, Bethel Methodist church Cemetery, Stewart county, TN
4. Cortus Evans Fox b, 29 Jun 1895 Stewart county, TN. m, Katie Bedie Ross on 26 Jan, 1919. d, 28 Feb, 1990 in Calloway county, Kentucky.
5. William Dewey Fox b, 22 Jan, 1899 Stewart county, TN. m, Mary Eunice Hughes on 21 Jan, 1923. d, 1 Oct, 1975. b, Stewart County Memorial Gardens, Stewart county TN.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Winford E Hicks

Winford E Hicks
Not a very good picture
Winford was a Baptist preacher. He preached at many small churches in Stewart county. These churches were small and Winford was paid mostly in the tithes of meat and other foods. Winford mainly preached at Neville's Creek Baptist church, but many Stewart county church histories list him in attendance or as a messenger. Lots of the old timers in Stewart county remembered Winford and have said that he was one of the finest preachers in from the area.
He had once written a extensive report on the Baptist faith. He read this at a Baptist convention, was well received and greatly applauded. Winford also had been a census taker of the Stewart county 1900 census.
Winford died of a heart attack on the 17th day of February 1963. His wife Lulu died two months later.
Any additional information on Winford would be greatly appreciated.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Robertson Baggett Family
The above portrait was sent to me by Leah Siegel. It is of the Robertson Baggett family.Robertson and Rebecca Baggett were my great, great grandparents. Their daughter Cora was my great grandmother. It appears to have been taken prior to 1804 and is marked as follows: left to right, standing are: Clarence, Vennie, Walter, Alex, Robert and Jimmy. Front row, left to right are:Horace Leonard, Rebecca and Cora. Standing in very front is Cora's oldest daughter Bertha. One of Robert and Rebecca's boys is not in the picture and that is Jesse.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Stalls Family Pictures
Monday, September 21, 2009
Annie Page *Updated*
Annie Page and Polly Page are not the same person. One of my followers says that Polly, daughter of Vincent Page was born in 1844 in Stewart Co. She married Charles Gray and lived at Tobacco Port. Vincent whom was born in 1813 in Martin Co. NC also had another daughter named Rotia Frances Page who is the grandmother of the person supplying this updated information.
Who is my Annie Page?
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Walter Allen Baggett and Artie Vera Smith
Walter and Artie Baggett's Wedding Day
picture provided by Walter and Artie's great
grand daughter Phyllis Baggett Ball
The following information on Walter and Artie Baggett was provided by Phyllis Baggett Ball. Phyllis is the great granddaughter of Walter and Artie.
Walter Allen Baggett was born in October of 1883 in
according to their granddaughter, Phyllis, Walter and Artie lived in a antebellum style home at Cumberland City. The house sat on a hill and overlooked the Cumberland River. Phyllis remember watching the boats go up and down the river. They had a servant that cooked and cleaned for them but was treated as one of the family.
Walter and Artie would make homemade balls from rubber band for great grand daughter Phyllis. Phyllis says that Walter and Artie were the most wonderful people. Artie died around 1960 and Walter died in the mid 1960's in his early 80's.
Walter and Artie Baggett’s Children
- Thestal Baggett, died young
- Emilis Baggett, died young
- Adam Weedless (also known as Son or Weedless) born 22 September 1909, married Leona Hodges born 8 June, 1912 daughter of John Hodges. John was a Constable of Cumberland City for a time. Leona died in February, 2008. Adam died 15 June, 1975.
- Orman Baggett
- Bernard Baggett
Keep checking back, as this information will be updated
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Robertson and Rebecca Baggett
Leah said that the pictures are not daguerreotype photos. She said that they are on paper, large 12x19 oval.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Andrew Jackson Smith Jr.
Andrew Jackson Smith Jr. was born on the 26th day of June 1870. He was the 2nd child of Andrew Smith Sr. and Aretha (Reedy) Ann Etheridge. Andrew was Born in Cumberland City Tennessee. Andrew married Cora Green Viola Bagget on the 1st day of January 1897 in Stewart County Tennessee. Cora was born on the 3rd day of December 1877 and was the daughter of Robertson (Bob) Baggett and Rebecca Francis Dowdy. Andrew and Cora lived their married life at Cumberland City Tennessee. They had 8 children. Andrew died of a heart attack on the 26th day of October 1935. Cora died on the 12th day of October 1925. Both are buried along with a lot of family members in the Andrew Smith Cemetery, on Scotts Chapel Road near Cumberland City, Tennessee.
Children of ANDREW and CORA SMITH are:
1. Bertha Elmora Smith, b. 09 Dec 1898, Stewart County, TN; d. 02 Nov 1968. Married Robert Clayton Ballard
2. Ruth Ethel Smith, b. 28 Oct 1900, Stewart County, TN; d. 17 Dec 1987, Houston County, TN. Married Herman Allison Smith.
3. Lillian Pauline Smith, b. 24 Nov 1903, Stewart County, TN; d. 09 Dec 1940, Stewart County, TN. Married Johnnie Hollis
4. Grace Edna Smith, b. 18 May 1906, Stewart County, TN; d. 01 Nov 2002, Houston County, TN. Married Arthur Ewing Burns.
5. Elmer Eugene Smith, b. 02 Feb 1908, Stewart County, TN; d. 23 Dec 1967, Stewart County, TN. Married Leona Mae Hicks.
6. Edith Angeline Smith, b. 17 Dec 1909, Stewart County, TN; d. 27 Apr 1940; m. Wiley Barnes.
7. Thelma Irene Smith, b. 25 Nov 1912, Stewart County, TN; d. 28 May 2003, Houston County, TN. Married Ivy Gray and Homer Allison.
8. Lacey Alberta Smith, b. 15 Oct 1915, Stewart County, TN; d. Unknown. Married Albert Hightower.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Isham Zells (Sills) Sr.
Will # 663 pg 376 Halifax Co North Carolina. Isham Sills 3 Mar. 1802 May Ct. 1802
Son Isham Sills cattle, Son William Sills mare ect. Son Samuel Sills and daughters Elizabeth Sills and Mary Sills bed, furniture ect, each. Daughter Penny Hines cow and calf and at her death the same go to her children (names not given). Cruy Bryan 20 shillings Sarah Hobbs 40 shillings. Residue of estate to wife Elizabeth and at her death: the children of my son Benjamine Sills namely Thomas Sills, Joshua Sills, John Sills and Rebecca Sills 20 shillings and sons Samuel and William the plantation wheron I now live. And son Isham the place whereon he now lives.
Wit: John Perkins, Elizabeth Barker x her mark, Elizabeth Jones
Extrs: My sons Samuel and William.
Isham And Elizabeth Sills
1 Isham Sills Jr Born ca 1750 in Halifax Co NC. Died on the 23rd day of April 1832 in Stewart Co, Tn. Married to? Possibly Mary or Anna? (see later )
2 Samuel Sills Born ? in Halifax Co NC.. Died on the 30th day of July 1841 in Halifax Co NC Married to Elizabeth Wallace.
3 Elizabeth Parham Sills Born ? in Halifax Co NC. Died ca the 24th day of October 1838.( probably due to complications after child birth ) Married to William Ferington Batey. William whom was born in 1775. Died in December 1850. In a Cival War qestionaire, Benjamine Blanks Batey stated that he was the son of Elizabeth Sills daughter of Isham Sills of Virginia, and William Ferington Batey. Benjamine was born on the 10th day of October, 1838. His mother died two weeks after his birth. He stated that his parents own 300 acres of land and had slaves.
4 Mary Sills. Born ? in Halifax Co NC. Mary may have died possibly Stewart County Tennessee.
5 Benjamine Sills Born 1793 in Halifax Co NC. Died on the 17th day of December 1858 in Halifax Co NC. Married to Rebecca Barker daughter of John Barker born 1720 Surry Co Va. Died the 14th day of October 1808 in Iredell Co NC. Her mother was Elizabeth Gilliam Born 1727 in Surry Co Va. to Henchea Gilliam II and Faith Briggs. John and Elizabeth were married in 1745 in Surry Co Va. Elizabeth died in 1770 in Brunswick Co Va. Benjamine and Rebecca Sill’s children were; 1. John B Sills (ca- 1793) Married Charlotte Gray (1793 – 4-18-1859) Charlotte was the daughter of Thomas and Mary Gray. John and Charlotte’s children were Solomon J Sills (11-11-1816), Richard M Sills (8-27-1818 – 5-17-1957) never married, Henry E Sills (10-1-1820 – 1905) married Mary Jane Sills in December 1849, William T. Sills (3-22-1823 – 1875 married Martha Young on January 8 1849, Mary Rebecca Sills (11-9-1825 – 7-20-1870) married Robert Calvin Whitehead on March 27 1856, Emily Ann Sills (7-1-1828 – post-1880) never married, Lousia Frances Sills (6-22-1831 – 3-18-1883) married R F Hayes, Andrew J Sills (12-7-1834 – 7-17-1895) married Francis Gray on March 26 1863. 2. Thomas Sills, 3. Joshua Sills, 4. Rebecca Sills.
6 Crucy Sills Born ? in Halifax Co NC. Died? Married? Bryan, in 1802 in Halifax County North Carolina.
7 Sarah Sills Born ? in Halifax Co NC. Died? Married Drury Hobbs, in 1802 in Halifax County North Carolina.
8 Penny Sills Born ? in Halifax Co NC. Died? Married M. Hines, in 1802 in Halifax County North Carolina.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Rebecca Francis (Fannie) Dowdy
Uriah, Fannie’s father; fought in the War Between the States for the Confederacy. He was captured at Fort Donelson and was taken to Camp Douglas in Chicago Illinois were he died of Pneumonia.
Fannie married Robertson Baggett. Robertson (Robert, Bob) Baggett was born in March of 1855 in Tennessee. Robertson was the son of Jackson Baggett and America Black Baggett. Together Robertson and Fannie had 10 children. Robertson died on the 4th day of May 1920. Fannie died on the 5th day of March 1920. Both are buried in the Andrew Smith Cemetery on Scotts Chapel Road near Cumberland City in Tennessee.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Lawerance Manning
Children of Lawerance and Nancy Manning
1. William E Manning Born on the 21 st day of January 1829. Died on the 29th day of July 1853. William is buried in the Acree Cemetery in the Land Between the Lakes area. Married Mary E, A, Luton, on the 14th day of January 1851 in Stewart County, Tn.. William left a will written on the 23rd day of July 1853. (see below)
The Verbal Will of William E, Manning
In the name of God, Amen, I, William E. Manning,
First I wish my loving wife, Eliza, in the absence of a living child to have and hold all my land and other property forever, but should the child should survive, the land is to belong to my wife Eliza, her life time and then to the child and furthermore it is my wish that my mother, Nancy Manning, have all the cleared land above the land to have and to hold her lifetime provided she remain on said land. But in case of death or removal from said land then belongs to my wife, Eliza, as above stated. This is what W.E. Manning stated to us to be his will in the above matter on Saturday morning, July 16, 1853 – written this 23rd day of July 1853.
T.H. Riggs
Henery Robertson
Sept term – 1853
A paper writing purporting to be the non-cussative will of Wm. E. Manning, deceased, was presented in open court and the same duly proven by Riggs and Robertson subscribing witness thereof and the same ordered to be recorded.
2. Mary Jane Manning Born on the 5th day of September 1832 in Stewart County Tennessee. Died in 1909. Married William Franklin Boneparte Clinton Stalls, on the 30th day of June 1851 in Stewart Co, Tn. William was the son of James and Nancy Stalls.
3. Georgian Manning born in 1834 in Stewart County Tennessee. Died ? Married James L Stalls on the 27th day of September 1851 in Stewart Co, Tn.
4. Emeline Manning Born 1836 in Stewart County Tennessee. Died ? Married Jasper Spiceland on the 19th day of March 1859 in Stewart Co, Tn.
5.Henery Manning born in 1840 in Stewart County Tennessee. Died ? Married Elizabeth Stalls on the 26th day of September 1865 in Stewart Co, Tn.
6. Martha L Manning born on the 6th day of October 1842 in Stewart County Tennessee. Died on the 30th day of November 1887 in Stewart Co, Tn. Martha is buried at the Champion Cemetery in Stewart County. Married Alfred J Byrd. Alfred was born on March 27, 1843 in Christian County, Kentucky. He was the son of James B. Byrd (1801-1845) and Catherine Bell Cook (d:1893). James and Catherine were married 16 May 1838. Alfred’s siblings were Print Byrd, Claude Byrd, Gus Byrd, Roena Byrd, Mattie Byrd, Georgia Ann Byrd, and James Lawerance Byrd. Alfred was the grandson of Shaderack Byrd (1750 in Bertie County North Carolina, died 30 April 1814) and Nancy Younge (1757-21 October 1833). Alfred served in the Civil War for the Confederacy as a Private in Company F 50th Tennessee Infantry under Lieutenant Colonel Randall W. McGavok at Fort Donaldson Tennessee. Alfred remarried to Mary Wiggins after Martha passed away. He was ordained as a Baptist Minister in 1877. He and Mary moved to Granite Oklahoma where he died on 2-20-1908.
7. Sarah Manning Born in 1844 in Stewart County Tennessee. Died ? Married ?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
John (Jackson) Baggett
We first find John and American Baggett in the 1850 Montgomery county, Tn. census. They are both 21 years of age. This would put his birth at around 1829. It appears that he and American probably had just got married because there are no children in the home. Previous information from others state that America’s last name was Black. No marriage record has been located at this time.
Next we find John and a Mary (probably a nickname for American) in the 1870 Stewart county census. It is stated that he is 38 years old and was born in Tennessee. This would have John born in 1831. This census was taken in December 1869, but conflicts with the 1850 census for his age. The census states that Mary is 40 which lends credence that she was born in 1829. They have 6 of their 7 children living in the home with time: Jessie 17, Robert 15, Margaret 9, Burrell 6, Jarroll (which is probably John Wesley) and Mollie 5 months. John is shown as being a laborer.
Mary (American) appears to have died sometime before 1881, because John next married Elizabeth (Lizzie) Ladd. I have not found the marriage record proving this at this time. It is recorded in Lizzie’s death certificate that she was born on the 8 of August, 1859. Census records indicate she was born in Kentucky. Her parents are unknown to us at this time but the census states her father was born in the Kentucky and her mother was born in Michigan.
In the 1900 Census for Houston County, Jackson is listed with his wife, Margaret (according to Arrie Brown Baggett's World War I Registration Card, her name was Marguret Elizabeth Baggett). Jackson’s birth date is shown as August 1831, Lizzie’s as August 1859.
In the 1910 Census for Stewart County, TN, Lizzie Baggett is listed as a widow.
John died sometime 1900. His parents are unknown at this time.
In a WWI registration record for Lizzie and John’s son Horace Leonard, dated 5 June 1917 he states that he is the only one to support his invalid mother. Lizzie would be about 57 years old at this time. Lizzie died on 7 November, 1935 at age 76 and is buried in Houston County, Tn at the Ham Cemetery.
1. JESSIE4 BAGGETT, b. Abt. 1853, Montgomery County, TN.
2. JOHN NEWTON BAGGETT, b. 21 Feb 1854, Montgomery County, TN; d. 25 Feb 1923, Houston County, TN; m. AMELIA MARY PARKER, 08 Nov 1872, Stewart County, TN; b. Aug 1852, Tennessee; d. 19 Dec 1912, Houston County, TN.
3. ROBERT BAGGETT, b. Mar 1856, Montgomery County, TN; d. 04 Jul 1920, Stewart County, TN; m. REBECCA FRANCES DOWDY, daughter of URIAH DOWDY AND MARY WASHBURN; b. Oct 1856, Stewart County, TN; d. 05 Mar 1920, Stewart County, TN. They are buried at Scott's Chapel Cemetery, Stewart County, TN
4. MARGARET BAGGETT, b. Abt. 1861, Montgomery County, TN; m. JAMES F. HENDRIX, Abt. 1880; b. Abt. 1857, Montgomery County, TN.
5. BURRELL BAGGETT, b. 04 Mar 1864, Houston County, TN; d. 15 Nov 1907, Houston County, TN; m. SALLIE ADAMS, 12 Jul 1883, Stewart County, TN; b. 05 Apr 1867, Stewart County, TN; d. 27 Jun 1933, Shelby County, TN.
6. JOHN WESLEY BAGGETT, b. 25 Mar 1867, Houston County, TN; d. 19 Sep 1948, Houston County, TN; m. LUTHIE ORA BURNS, 10 May 1894; b. 02 Aug 1872, Dickson County, TN; d. 12 Jan 1949, Houston County, TN.
7. MOLLIE BAGGETT, b. 24 Dec 1869, Houston County, TN; d. 19 May 1950, Montgomery County, TN; m. THOMAS PHILLIPS, 04 Jul 1886, Stewart County, TN; b. Oct 1862, Stewart County, TN.
1. DAVID WILEY BAGGETT, b. 04 Dec 1881, Stewart County, TN; d. 14 Jun 1968, Carl Junction, MO; m. DORA MILDRED FLOYD, 10 Apr 1904, Stewart County, TN; b. 12 Jul 1882, Dover, Stewart County, TN; d. 22 Nov 1948.
2. HENRY RILEY BAGGETT, b. 04 Dec 1881, Stewart County, TN; d. 10 Sep 1976, Sumner County, TN; m. DORA ANN BARKER, 01 Jan 1909, Stewart County, TN; b. 20 Apr 1892, Stewart County, TN; d. 27 Oct 1961, Stewart County, TN.
3. SALLIE A. BAGGETT, b. May 1885, Stewart County, TN; d. Bef. 1976; m. JAMES ODOM, 10 Apr 1904, Stewart County, TN; b. Abt. 1874.
4. WILLIAM ISAAC BAGGETT, b. 12 Feb 1888, Houston County, TN; d. 17 Apr 1980, Montgomery County, TN; m. OVIE SALLY REYNOLDS, 02 Nov 1911, Houston County, TN; b. 16 Oct 1892, Houston County, TN; d. 12 Oct 1966.
5. HORACE GRANVILLE BAGGETT, b. 18 Dec 1890, Houston County, TN; d. Unknown.
6. DICIE A. BAGGETT, b. Oct 1891, Houston County, TN; d. Bef. 1976; m. HENRY MOHON, 18 Jul 1915, Houston County, TN.
7. VIOLA OLLIE BAGGETT, b. Feb 1894, Houston County, TN; d. Unknown, Stewart County, TN; m. WAYMOND CANADY, 15 Jul 1915, Houston County, TN; b. 15 Oct 1891, Stewart County, TN; d. Unknown, Stewart County, TN.
8. IRA BROWN BAGGETT, b. 22 Aug 1896, Houston County, TN; d. 26 Jan 1977, Houston County, TN; m. RUBY L. DURHAM, 23 Jan 1928, Houston County, TN; b. 26 Sep 1908, Stewart County, TN; d. 15 Sep 1993, Houston County, TN.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Walter Hillman Hicks
Monday, August 17, 2009
The Andrew Jackson Smith Jr. Family
This picture was sent to me by one of my blog followers, Leah Siegel. Andrew and Cora are my great grandparents. I have always wanted to know what they looked like. My family doesn't have any family pictures; with the exception of a few, other then this generation. My grandmothers house burned down and if she had any, they are long since gone. I only have one picture of Andrew and Cora's son Elmer whom is my mother's dad and you can hardly see his face. I would love to see my grandfather, Elmer Eugene Smith's face!
When Leah sent this to me last night, it was one of the greatest gifts that I could ever receive. I want to thank her publicly for this wonderful gift.
Any family pictures that can be shared with me would be truly welcomed.
Thank you Leah!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Cora Green Viola Baggett
Cora and Andrew Smith’s Children
1. Elmer Eugene Smith Born 2-2-1906. Married Leona Mae Hicks (b. 11-29-1913 – d. 3-1-1981). Daughter of Milton Otis Hicks and Orie Lee Stalls,(seen earlier) on 10-17-1936 in Dover Tennessee. Died 12-23-1967 (see later).
2. Bertha Smith Born ? Married Robert Clayton Ballard.
3. Gracy Smith Born 1907 Married ? Burns.
4. Irene Smith Born 1910 Married ? Gray.
5. Lillian Smith Born 1904 Married ? Hollis.
6. Alberta Smith Born 1916 Married Albert Hightower.
7. Ethel Ruth Smith Born ? Married Herman Smith.
8. Angelina E. Smith Born 12-17-1909. Married ? Barnes. Died 4-27-1942.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Surname: Sandyford
Thank you
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Elmer Eugene Smith
Eugene was known to be a kind and very gentle man. was said to have a very good sense of humor. His daughter Lillian describes him as a man of about 5’ 6” tall and weighed approximately 150 lbs. His nicknames were Gene, or Bean. He had Black hair and Blue eyes. Eugene sang tenor with the family, which was almost a nightly thing for the Smith family. He had worked at the local newspaper and then later as an electrician. Eugene had gotten electrocuted on the job. It is said that he died and had to be resuscitated. He had had Parkinson's and this incident seemed to have worsened his condition. Eugene later became and invalid.
On the 23rd of December 1967, Eugene passed on in his family’s home. He was interred at P Z Ridge in Scott's Chapel along with many members of his family. He is sadly missed by his family.
Eugene and Leona’s Smiths Children
1. Orie Jerlene Smith Born on the 7th day of May 1937 in Dover Tennessee. She married Clarence William Hutchison (b.1-11-1936) on 9-1-1955 in Stewart county Tennessee. To this union 3 children were born. 1. Thomas Eugene b. 8-28-1956 Dover Tennessee. Married Laurel Marie Thompson daughter of Chuck and Carmen Thompson. Tom and Laurel’s children were Michael Eugene (b. 10-15-1975) and Michelle Lee (b.2-7-1979) both children were born in Albuquerque New Mexico. – 2. William Clarence (b. 8-3-1957). Married Lanola Heaney daughter of William Heaney and Lee Etta Henson on 9-10-1982. They had one child Amber Renee (b. 10-24-1988). - 3. Jeanetta Lynne ( b. 12-23-1958). Married Larry Joe Brown. 2 children Amanda Renee (b. 5-16-1980) and Larry Joe (b. 5-17-1982).
2. Lillian Lorena Smith Born on the 8th day of August 1944 in Dover, Stewart County Tennessee. Married Jerry Don McConnell (b. 6-9-1947 – d. 10-16-1980) son of Alvie Orin McConnell (b. 10-14-1918 – d. 2-22-1997) and Margaret Eva Dunford (b. 3-15-1919 – d. 3-13-1999) on the 30th day of July 1964 in Weiser Idaho. To this union three children were born. Jerry Don McConnell Jr. born 28 May, 1965, Margaret Lea McConnell born 20 June, 1966 and Shannon Marie McConnell born 26 February, 1971. Lillian died on 20 April, 2006 in Cordell, Oklahoma. She is buried at the Hobart Cemetery in Hobert, Oklahoma.
3. Hillman Eugene Smith Born on the 21st day of November 1945 in Dover Tennessee. Hillman had no children.
4. Raymond Earl Smith Born on the 15th day of September 1947 in Dover Tennessee. Raymond married Lynda ? and had 2 children. Dawn Smith and Raymond Earl II. Raymond died of Colon Cancer on the 7th day of August 1986 in Dover. He is buried with both his parents at Scott's Chapel at P Z Ridge in Cumberland City Tennessee