Walter Hillman Hicks was born on the 7th of July 1906 in Stewart County, Tennessee. He married Daisy Cook. Daisy and Walter never had any children together. Daisy had three children from a previous marriage. Walter was 40 years old before he married.
Walter served in W.W.II. Walter drove a tank. He fought in five major battles during the war while stationed in Germany. When he came back from the war he brought with him a German dress sword, Lugger pistol, and Flag that had a Swastika on it. What ever happened to this treasure trove is unknown. Walter moved to Nashville after he came home. He went to radio announcing school on a GI bill, but worked in a steel factory until he retired. Walter was a very intelligent man. He was an avid reader and researcher. He was very interested in the Bible and ancient Egypt. He could read and write Hebrew and Hieroglyphics. Walter was a very nice man who loved his wife dearly. He had a good sense of humor. He took care of his sister Leona and her children when they were all stricken with the measles. He liked to take little trinkets to his nieces and nephews when he would visit. Walter died on the 13th day of May 1987 at age 81 years of age. Walter’s heart gave out. He is buried in Nashville, Tennessee in a Mausoleum.
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