Monday, March 30, 2009
James Stalls Sr.
Military records for Martin County, North Carolina indicate that James Stalls was enlisted in the 3rd Regiment, 5th Company of Martin county in the War of 1812.
It is believed that The Stalls family moved to Stewart county sometime around 1820. The Vinson Page family moved there about the same time, which may be an indicator of the family ties with Annie.
Research of Stewart county church records, found that in the Saline Baptist church at Bumpus Mills minutes, there was a James and Polly Stalls who were members on the 3rd Sunday of July 1823.
Court Records show that the first Stalls to appear on the county tax records was a Jesse Stalls. Then on 5 February, 1827 James Stalls, Elisha Williams and William Pugh had an administrators bond for Jesse Stalls. It is possible that Jesse was Jame's father. Records for 7 May, 1829 have James appointed as a circuit court juror for the next term.
The Stewart county census of 1830 have a James Stalls age 50-60 years and a Josiah Stalls age 50-60 years living at Standing Rock. Josiah was more than likely a brother due to the closeness in age.
James died in 1841, cause unknown. He was still living at Standing Rock. I have not researched enough to find out what happened to Annie (Polly). The only two children of James and Annie that are known are:
James Stalls Jr. (my grgrgr grandpa) born ca 1807, who married Nancy Sexton (more on these two later)
Elijah Stalls born 29 May 1811 and married Edna Barrow.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Lillian Lorena Smith, Part 2
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Lillian Lorena Smith, Part 1
Songs My Mother Sung
Even though my brother, sister and I never learned to play the guitar from my mom, she introduced us to these wonderful songs that her family and other people around the Stewart county area sung to entertain themselves.
I want to introduce some of these songs to you. Some of you Stewart countians may remember some of these songs, but maybe have forgotten the lyrics. I want to add "Songs my Mother Sung" as a way to jog those sweet childhood memories of the folks of Stewart county or introduce them to the new generations that might visit here that have never heard them before. Enjoy!
Beautiful, Beautiful Brown Eyes
Beautiful beautiful brown eyes
Beautiful beautiful brown eyes
Beautiful beautiful brown eyes
I'll never love blue eyes again
Last night I staggered in the bar room
Fell right down on the floor
These were the words I uttered
I'll never get drunk anymore
Oh Willie oh Willie I love you
Love you with all of my heart
Tomorrow we were to be married
But liquor has kept us apart
For seven long years I've been married
Wish I was single again
A girl doesn't know half her troubles
Until she has married a man
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Josiah Sills
At some point Josiah married Winny Fox. There is no record of this, but my mother said that that was her name. I have found a record were Josiah Sills was noted as a buyer at an estate sale for a Samuel Fox in May of 1832. This lends credit to my mothers assertion that Winny was Josiah's wife. I believe that Samuel was Winny's father. It is noted in the record that she was one of the buyers along with Orville Champion, William Sills, Joshua Spiceland, Hardy B. Sills, Henry Bell, John W. Hicks, Briant Outland and Irey Belile.
Note: John W. Hicks was present at this sale. We have been told that John. W. (Wesley) Hicks was James Madison Hick's father. Could this be him?
Josiah continued to make land transactions in Stewart county until 1847 when Josiah died. Josiah had no will, so his property went to probate on March 1, 1847. Although there were several children tallied in the census for his household in 1840, only the name of one child is known and that is my gr gr grandmother Parthena Sills, the women whom married James Madison Hicks. If only Josiah could have lived through till the 1850 census; when names of household members began being listed, then we would know so much more about this family.
I have heard a few stories from my mother about Parthena that my mother said her mother told her. I will share them with you when I write about Parthena.
I have traced the Sills family back many generations, but the questions at hand are: Who were Josiah Sills other children? What happened to Winny Sills? Was Samuel Fox, Winny's father?
Monday, March 23, 2009
Joe Dill
Joe has since passed but if anyone knows his family they may still be in possession of this treasure trove of pictures. Joe also had a care taker; I don't recall her name, but she also may be able to tell us who to contact to look at Joe's prized pictures.
Leona Mae Hicks

When Leona was a child she loved to go to court with her father and watch him reside over the current cases. This was; however, before he became the Judge of Stewart county.
Leona also attended several of the churches in Stewart county. She was first a member of Crockett's Creek church. The land that this church was located on, was donated by Leona's gr-gr grandfather Isham Sills. Leona also was a member later on of the Model Baptist Church. She also liked to attend services at the Penecostal Holiness church.
Leona married Elmer Eugene Smith, son of Andrew Jackson Smith and Cora (Baggett) Smith on the 25th day of May, 1936. Leona and Elmer had 4 children they are: Orie Jerelene born May 7th 1937, Lillian Lorena born August 8th, 1944, Hillman Eugene born November 1945 and Raymond Earl born September 15th 1947.
Onie's child, Lillian Lorena Smith was my mother. She wrote her biography for me several years before she passed. I will do a part series of that bio here on the blog. It mentions a few people from Stewart county and also talks of how life was there: her life, her family, her side of the story. It is a story that will pull at your heart strings.
My grandma Onie never left Stewart county. She lived there her whole life through. When she and my grandfather Eugene Smith married, they planted a willow tree in their yard. That tree is still there, but is now part of the park there by the river. I will post a picture of the tree that was taken both in the past and in the present. That tree holds a special meaning to our family. Leona died of a heart attack on April 1st, 1981. She is buried at Scott's Chapel; also know as PZ Ridge, located in the Cumberland City area. She is there along side her husband Eugene who died of Parkisons in 1967 and son Raymond who died of cancer in 1986.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
What in the World happened to Alfred P Hicks
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Milton Otis Hicks

Milton Otis Hicks
Milton Hicks was born in Stewart County Tennessee on the 18th of November 1863. He was the son of James Madison Hicks and Parthena (Sills) Hicks. He married Orie Lee Stalls on the 9th of August 1885. Orie was the daughter of William Franklin Bonaparte Clinton Stalls and Mary Jane (Manning) Stalls.
Milton worked in many of the small towns in Stewart county as the postmaster until these offices closed or he was moved to another post office to work. He was self educated with no formal schooling. He studied law in the office of J. W. Stout and passed the Tennessee bar in 1896. He became an attorney and then Milton became the judge of Stewart county from 1926 to 1934.
Milton and Orie had 8 children born of them. Winford E. Hicks 6/3/1886-2/17/1963, Etta Quincy Hicks 9/9/1888-2/1933, Kenneth Hicks 4/1892-?, Inez Hicks 7/21/1895-10/26/1975, William O. Hicks 9/15/1899-9/18/1938, Daisy Hicks 1903-1913, Walter Hillman Hicks 7/7/1906-5/13/1987 and Leona Mae Hicks (my grandmother) 11/29/1913-4/1/1981.
My brick wall with this side of the family is Milton's father. I have been trying to find out who the parents of James Madison Hicks are. If anyone has any information, please contact me.
General Information
I know some people will not want to join the blog network in order to contact me, so I will allow people to email me at in order to share information. If you do however want to join the blog scene to make contact with me and others, simply get a google account (which is free) and then join this blog spot (which is also free). You can keep your same email address ect... It's very simple and only takes a few moment.
I will post pictures and family information here as often as I can. I will also make this page a little more pleasant to look at in due time.
So welcome to my Stewart County Meetin Place. Come on in and sit a spell and lets talk about the good ol' times in this great county and people we love.