My mom meant alot to me. She was probably one of the best mom's that anyone could ever have. She was always there for us anytime, night or day. She was never critical of any of us for any reason. She would tell us that she did not think we were doing the right thing, but then let us make our own choices. If we made the wrong ones, she never made any snide comments or said I told you so. We knew.
My mom was the best friend of anyone who knew her. She loved cooking birthday dinners for her family and friends. She would ask you what you wanted and she would cook it. She didn't care if you wanted a steak dinner or a pot of beans, it was your birthday! She loved holidays and the family getting together. She loved to sing and after she bought her Karaoke machine, she would throw parties and everyone would come over and eat and sing. My mom could sing anything. She especially liked old country music, bluegrass music and old gospel.
My mom loved her kids and grand kids more than life its self. All her friends say that she bragged about how proud she was of all of us all the time. None of us have ever did anything that you could say was that spectacular, but in my moms eyes all of us were the greatest people ever born.
I miss my mom very much and losing her has left a big hole in my heart and made a big impact on my life. I will never forget the things she has done for me and my brother and sister. She was my best friend! SHE, was the one of the greatest people ever born!
I love you mom!
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