Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Isham Sills Jr Noncupitive Will
Josiah Sills
Green X Wiggins
William Sills
Proved August term 1832
Sunday, October 25, 2009
50th Tennessee Infantry Regiment
Confederate Stars and Bars
This Regiment was organized on Christmas day, December 25, 1861. It was comprised of 10 separate companies that had previously mustered. It was captured at Fort Donelson and then reorganized on September 23, 1862. The 50th then temporarily consolidated with 1st (Colms') Tennessee Battalion on November, 1862. This consolidation was made permanent and a new organization was made February, 1864. The regiment was paroled Greensboro, North Carolina May 2, 1865 as part of the 2nd Consolidated Tennessee Infantry Regiment.
Uriah Green Dowdy - Company I - Went in a Private, died at Camp Douglas of Pneumonia as a POW, a Private.
James M Hicks - Company F - Went in a Private, came out a Private and had been blinded.
Andrew J Smith - Company H - Went in a Private, came out a Private with injured hip.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Confederate Pension Application of Andrew Jackson Smith Sr. Part 2
Below is the continuation of my great, great grandfather Andrew Smith's pension application, to which he was denied compensation.
Third Page
How did you get out of the army?: Paroled
Did you take the oath of allegiance to the United States Government?: No
Are you married, or have you been married?: I am or have been
If so, what is the size of your family?: 10 Children
What are the respective ages of your wife and children?: Wife is dead, Tom, 37, Andrew 27 married, Nan 24 married, Bell 22, Josie 21, Cora 18, Maude 16, Et14 married, Ella 11, Arvia 8.
Are not some of your children able to support you?: No
In what business are you now engaged if any, and what do you earn?: Not able to move
What estate have you in your right, real and personal, and what is its value?: 1 old mule, 1 young mule, 1 cow, 6 shoats, all worth About one hundred dollars.
What estate has your wife in her own right, real and personal, and what is its value?: She did own 40 acres colon (?) land, worth about $40.00.
How have you derived support for yourself and family for the last five years?: I have managed to work a little.
Do you use intoxicants to any extent?; No
How long have you been an actual resident of the State of
Have you an attorney to look after this application?: No
Witness my hand, this 16th day of Sept, 1899
J. S. Edwards M.D. , Physician
John Odom, Witness
James Odom, Witness
Fourth Page
State of
Personally appeared before me Jo M. Harris clerk of the county court of said county, the above named A. J. Smith, the applicant, with who I am personally acquainted, and having the application read and fully explained to him, as well as the statements and answers therein made, made oath that the said statements and answers are true.
Witness my hand, at office, this 16th day of Sept, 1899.
Jo. M. Harris, Clerk
State of
One of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing application and who is a physician of good standing and being duly sworn, says that he has carefully and thoroughly examined A. J. Smith, the applicant, and finds him laboring under the following disabilities:
Impaired action of left lower limb due to an old injury of left hip causing partial paralysis of motion and sensation greatly reducing his capacity for ding labor wherein waling or standing is required, Has Palpitation of heart, probably of Rheumatoid arigen (?) Witness my hand, at office, this 16th day of Sept 1899. Jo M. Harris, Clerk
State of
Witness my hand at office this 16th day of 1899
Jo M. Harris, Clerk
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Confederate Pension Application of Andrew Jackson Smith Sr. Part 1
I was recently informed by a new found cousin of mine Vickie, that our grand father Andrew Jackson Smith Sr. was a veteran of the War Between the States. She mentioned that he had filed for a war pension and that it was rejected. I have since then ordered a copy of that record.
The following is the information was taken from that Confederate Pension application that was filed by Andrew Jackson Smith Sr. This application is quite extensive so I will only relay the questions that Andrew himself had answered on the application. Andrew’s answers are underlined. This application will be posted in a part series, due to the amount of information provided.
First Page
Stamped Rejected
Soldier’s Application for Pension
A J Smith (Andrew Jackson Smith Sr.)
Filed Sept 18, 1899
Second Page
I, A. J. Smith, a native of the State of
I do solemnly swear that, while in the discharge of my duty in the service of the Confederate or
I was wounded in the battle of (blank) and that from the effects of such wound or wounds I was disabled as follows: I was disabled by mounting a cannon on breast works (misspelled) by cannon falling against (scratched out) and throwing me against the cannage (misspelled).
In what County, State and year were you born: I was born in
When did enlist and in what command? Give the names of the regimental and company officers under whom your were serving at date of wound or wounds: I enlisted at
In what battle were you wounded and if not in battle state under what circumstances you received the injury or injuries?: Fort Donaldson received injuries as above stated
What was the precise nature of your wound or wounds? : I got a serious hurt in hip. Which hurt. Disabled me from services.
What limb if any did you lose by reason of said wound or wounds and if no limb state fully the disability caused by said wound or wounds and is said disability permanent?: The injury of hip causing paralyses of that limb on that side.
Were you incapacitated for service by reason of said wound wounds or service: I was taken to hospital.
Were you discharged from the army by reason of said wound, wounds or service?: Was taken prisoner.
If discharged from the army where were you and what did you do until the close of the war?: I was paroled and returned home, unable to move.
What was the name of the surgeon who attended you?:
Mills and Robertson.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Articles Sold at Sale for Deceased Mathew Manning 1844
P S Cook 1 lot hoes .93 ¾
P Manning 1 Banshean Plough .12 ½
John Manning 2 barrels .15
H L Atkins 1 barrel & large tray .37 ½
Nelson Griffin 1 grindstone 1.00
James W McGee 2 Drawing Knife pair .10
Joseph Satterfield 1 drawing knife pair .10
William Griffin 2 chisels .31 ¼
“ “ 2 Gouges & 1 chisel .15
“ “ 2 barrel augers & stirrups .10
L M Manning 1 frae & file .62 ½
Widow Manning 1 tub .18
John Manning 1 iron wedge .30
“ “ “ “ .18
L M Manning 1 frying pan .12 ½
Widow 1 flat iron .12 ½
J Satterfield 1 set coopers tools .75
P S Cook 2 pair sheep shears .25
Widow Manning 1 dinner pot .50
“ “ 1 skillet .12 ½
“ “ 1 deep skillet .12 ½
John Manning 1 oven .25
Widow 1 small skillet .12 ½
“ “ 1 kettle .25
“ “ 1 pair pot hooks .20
James Glassgo 1 plough 2.00
H L Atkins 2 baskets & keg .15
Nelson Griffin 1 lot coopers ware .12 ½
W C McGee 1 pair drawing chains .80
“ “ 1 Jointer .12
H L Atkins 1 lot iron .25
“ “ “ “ .50
“ “ 1 beegum & meat ane (?) .12
J Satterfield 1 large trough 1.10
P Manning 1 pot .50
J Satterfield 1 bridle .15
D Rogers 1 pair millstones 1.50
“ ‘ 1 pair steelyards 2.00
W C McGee 1 sow & 5 pigs 4.00
Widow Manning 1 gill sow .50
L M Manning 1 cow & calf 9.00
Albert Gibbs 3 head sheep 3.70
P Manning 1 gray filly 16.37 ½
L M Manning 1 set cups & saucers .56 ¼
“ “ 1 small pitcher & spoons .37 ½
Widow 4 bowls .42 ½
W A Griffin 1 tea pot & saltseller .25
Widow 1 dish .31
L M Manning 5 pewter plates & dish 1.43
P S Cook 6 plates & basin 1.60
Widow ½ day spoons .38
P S Cook 1 large pewter dish .68
Widow 1 lot trumpet (?) .25
L M Manning 1 trumpet & glass .25
Widow 1 basin .25
“ “ 1 coffee pot .12 ½
“ “ 4 plates .12 ½
“ “ 1 stone jar .12 ½
“ “ 1 pitcher .12 ½
Nelson Griffin 1 bottle .12 ½
Widow 1 lot bottles .35
“ “ 1 cupboard 1.12 ½
John Manning 1 gun 3.30
“ “ Candy moulds & stick (?)
J Satterfield 2 gumblets & gord (?) .25
L M Manning 1 water pail .37 ½
Widow 2 small do (?) .25
T W Griffin 1 small do (?) .12
W C McGee 1 set razors 1.06 ¼
Widow 1 lot books .25
Z T Shemwell 1 ditto & jug .02
Mary Joiner 1 can .06
Nelson Griffin 1 slay (?) & box .30
P S Cook 1 reap hook .12 ½
P Manning 1 hand saw .20
L M Manning cotton cards .50
John Manning 1 trunk large 1.31 ¼
Widow 1 ditto .50
H B Scarbough shovel .40
Widow sifter & tray & meal tub .25
John Freeman mans saddle & blanket 6.06 ¼
William Moore 1 side saddle 8.50
Widow 1 bed & furniture 5.43
“ “ 1 spinning wheel .56 ¼
William Griffin 2 pair wool cards .37 ½
Elmore Black coffee mill .18 ¾
William Moore block reel .18 ¾
Samuel McGee 1 flour stuns (?) .62 ½
Widow 5 chairs .25
Nelson Griffin 1 hackel 1.25
“ ‘ 1 lot leather .40
William Moore 1 lot balls .62 ½
“ “ 1 powder horn .10
Nelson Griffin 1 flaso wheel .12 ½
P Manning 1 pocket book .25
Widow table .25
Mary Joiner 2 bridles .31 ½
W C McGee 1 anci (?) .40
Nelson Griffin 1 wood slide .25
D Rodgers 1 half bushel .50
William Moore 2 rawhides .30
J Satterfield 2 barrels .25
“ “ 2 guns (?) .05
Nelson Griffin 1 churn .30
D Rodgers 1 large gun (?) .50
Amt of acct sale 96.53
Monday, October 12, 2009
Baylee Renee Tate
Friday, October 2, 2009
Monarchus Buchanan Fox
Monarchus Buchanan"Buck" Fox was born in September of 1856 in Trigg county, Kentucky. Son of William Buchanan Fox and Sarah Ann Hamilton. Buck married Ann Elizabeth Shaw on the 29th of Oct, 1883 in Stewart county, TN. Ann was born on the 1st day of Dec, 1868 in Stewart county, TN. She was the daughter of Leonard V. Shaw and Sarah Ann Futrell. Buck died on the 7th day of March 1900 in Stewart county and Ann died on the 28th day of March, 1941 in Stewart county. Ann Fox is buried in the Hicks cemetery.
Buck and Ann Fox's children are:
1. Donna Pearl Fox b, 29 Jan, 1884 Stewart county, TN. m, Marcus Franklin Chadwick on 4 Oct, 1901. d, 12 Feb, 1956.
2. Loney Rae Fox b, 26 Apr, 1886 Stewart county, TN. m, Coleman Albert Chadwick on 26 Mar, 1900. d, 20 Apr, 1968. b, Hicks Cemetery, Stewart county, TN.
3. Sallie Sota Fox b, 13 Dec, 1891 Stewart county, TN. m, Walter Daniel Outland on 27 Dec, 1910. d, 26 Feb, 1987. b, Bethel Methodist church Cemetery, Stewart county, TN
4. Cortus Evans Fox b, 29 Jun 1895 Stewart county, TN. m, Katie Bedie Ross on 26 Jan, 1919. d, 28 Feb, 1990 in Calloway county, Kentucky.
5. William Dewey Fox b, 22 Jan, 1899 Stewart county, TN. m, Mary Eunice Hughes on 21 Jan, 1923. d, 1 Oct, 1975. b, Stewart County Memorial Gardens, Stewart county TN.